Taking model apart
A part such as a head, a body and an arm is made an independent object.
*Make the section of an object to unify transparent. Or, deletion
on the surface. |
A connection on
the surface
The vertex of each other is fixed on one place, and the surface of
each object is connected. A little cube is used for that connection.
(The green cube of the following image.)
Surface deformation by the cube
A cube is used for the control of the vertex as well as the bone.
(The pink cube of the following image.) |
How to fix an vertex to the
"Apply Skin" is used for the fixation of the vertex to the
cube. Fit it to the vertex in the center (Pivot) of the cube when
you fix an vertex. The scale of the cube doesn't influence the degree
of the deformation. Only a distance with the center (Pivot) of the
cube has an influence. The vertex fixed like this hardly takes the
influence of other surface deformation.
*A change in a scale of the cube after the fixation influences surface
deformation. |
Other tips
*Select all the cubes(bones) of one object at the same time for "Apply
*Use "Instance" for the duplicate cube.
*When a cube is arranged symmetrically, one side is done first, and
only X axis value is changed after "Instance". |
Combination of
a cube and a bone
The limbs of the character are composed of the bone. Each cube becomes
a group in every part, and it is fixed on the bone with "Constrain
Pose". Surface deformation with a bone is unnecessary if an vertex
can be controlled in the cube. |
The example of
the shoulder
A bone and a cube are used for the surface deformation of the shoulder
and the arm. The upper vertex of the shoulder adds a movement to the
right and left. |
The control of the upper vertex of the
shoulder is composed of two "Constrain Pose" and "Custom
Relation". |
*There will be many cases that it isn't
suitable in the surface deformation by the bone in the fat joint.
(For example, leg) |
The example of
the leg
A bone is used with IK, and not used for the surface deformation.
An vertex behind the knee is controlled as well as the case of the
shoulder. |
The whole composition
of the project For example, various elements are constructed
as follows. Each element uses the name which is easy to judge. |
Try, and understand it.
Try the technique introduced here with a model of the easy structure.
If it is actually operated with AXEL, it thinks that it is easier
to understand. :)
*The rotation of the head isn't constructed here. |